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It’s a gripping thriller that makes plenty of space for the complex emotional reality of its characters. Credit: Moviestore / Shutterstock. I can’t tell you how many times I watched my worn-out DVD of the first chapter in Sam Raimi’s ’00s Spider-Man trilogy, but suffice it to say, I can’t remember many other 2002 films. Spider-Man introduces a perfectly earnest Tobey Maguire as trembling genius teen Peter Parker. He’s pining away for his neighbor Mary Jane Watson (a superbly savvy Kirsten Dunst) and grieving while also developing superpowers from a fateful super spider bite. Meanwhile, he’s fanning out over his best friend’s dad, industrialist Norman Osborn (the exquisitely evil Willem Dafoe); little does Peter know his idol is also the villainous Green Goblin, who will soon be throwing Spidey around in many a nail-biting, cross-city battle. We’ve moved through two other Spider-Men since Maguire’s run, but Raimi’s film wove unforgettable scenes into cinematic history ‘ that upside-down rain kiss can’t be beat. In fact, the film has such iconic action shots in it that Spider-Man: No Way Home director Jon Watts included several in the now-infamous meet-up scene ‘ watching Maguire dodge those Razor Bat pumpkins in 2002 and 2021 is sheer glee for fans. It might be a cliche to say “This is the role they were born to play! In promoting the film, Davis has spoken openly about all the ways it’s the kind of movie that Hollywood’s supposed conventional wisdom ‘ which caters predominantly to white and male audiences ‘ said could never be made. Davis is a 57-year-old, dark-skinned Black woman, and she’s headlining a war movie in which she gets to be the titular protagonist and kicks slavers’ ass. As she expressed before the film’s World Premiere at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival, she’s living her dream in this film, voucher superbet. And for us, it was exhilarating to live vicariously through her. Inspired by the Agojie of West Africa, The Woman King explores the passions, problems, and camaraderie of this all-female band of warriors. While Davis dazzles at its center, co-stars Thuso Mbedu, Sheila Atim, and Lashana Lynch shine alongside her. Ele dezvaluie adesea dedesubturile intrebarii, lucruri ascunse de Consultant constient sau inconstient. Consultantul este cel care pune intrebari, adesea o alta persoana decat cel care foloseste tarotul pentru a raspunde la ele. I se sugereaza statutul lui, obligatiile, precautiile in legatura cu Consultantul. Mie mi-a aparut foarte des, vreo doi ani de zile, Marea Preoteasa, semn pe care l-am interpretat ca un indemn sa-mi folosesc intuitia si nu ratiunea, asa cum as fi fost tentata potrivit tiparului comportamental pe care il aveam pe atunci. La o colega tarorolog, a aparut multa vreme Temperanta, o aluzie la felul ei rapid de a aprecia oamenii si situatiile pe care le interpreta (un Berbec veritabil). Cu timpul, aparitia acestor carti se diminueaza foarte mult si cred ca asta se datoreaza faptului ca pana la urma trebuie sa-ti inveti lectia ca sa poti persevera pe calea tarotului. SECRETELE LUI ARTHUR EDWARD WAITE. Una din primele carti despre tarot pe care le-am citit a fost ‘Pictorial key to the tarot’, o carte scrisa in 1910 si care a fost prima, cronologic vorbind, care a popularizat pe scara larga, tarotul. Cu experienta mea de atunci, luam de bun tot ce gaseam scris si am fost bulversata de notiunile ambigue si uneori contradictorii pe care le intalneam. De exemplu, la X de Bate, Waite spune ca reprezinta ‘castig, succes’, dar si ‘falsitate, perfidie’, sensuri diferite si aparent fara legatura intre ele, voucher superbet. La II de Bate, expunerea lui este si mai aducatoare de confuzie: ‘bogatii, noroc, maretie’ si ‘durere fizica, tristete, necazuri’. A fost destul de frustrant pentru mine, in acele timpuri, si asta mi-a ingreunat pentru ceva timp intelegerea sensurilor arcanelor. Avansand in studiul lor, apeland si la alti autori consacrati si, mai presus de toate, mergand la semnificatia oculta a arcanelor, asa cum au fost ele dezvaluite de tarologi care au mers la seturile de tarot traditionale, din Evul Mediu, am inteles ca e posibil ca Waite sa fi gresit in unele locuri. Asta imi este foarte clar, mai ales dupa ce am citit cum a ‘produs’ el setul de carti care ii poarta numele. Ce nu imi este clar, dar pentru mine nu mai are nicio relevanta, este daca a facut-o cu intentie sau pur si simplu, nu a acordat prea multa atentie anumitor aspecte, pe care tot in mod eronat, le-a considerat nesemnificative.

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